Monday, July 19, 2010

Their Campaign: In 2005, British Petroleum announced the launch of BP Alternative Energy , a new business unit that would manage BP's investments in solar, wind, hydrogen, and combined-cycle-gas-turbine power generation, which could amount to $8 billion over the next decade. It is now 2010, we are at the halfway mark of their plan; most people know about their current catastrophe with the oil spill. The public now sees that BP has not kept true to their campaign announced five years ago. They are a super power in the oil business to say the least, but slogans and propaganda will do anything but save them unless they come up with real solutions for the future. The current oil rig process has proven to be hazardous for all people around the world and the ignorant ways we use energy must be changed. I represent a great and mighty nation when I speak of a change, real change in technology, politics, education, economics, and entertainment. Change for the better should develop in all of these categories by adding solutions inspired through education, not the indoctorination you find today in most public schools. By teaching students to become logical problem solvers unlimited by money and empowered by the vast amount of resources. Our problem today is not only with BP and corporations like it; our problem is with those in power who neglect to recognize their responsibility of their actions. BP actually expects the people to be happy with the money they have given to families and businesses effected by the oil spill. Money will not change the situation and it never will. Money does not keep the world healthy, only its inhabitants can. This is why if BP really wanted to make an impact and turn this negative into a positive, they would be employing people in mass numbers to help distraught animals and people get the oceans clean by using booms, sorbents and skimmers to clean beaches and the ocean.  

There are many ways to stop the spread of oil in the ocean. Workers can place a boom around the tanker that is spilling oil. Booms collect the oil off the water. A boom may be placed somewhere before an oil spill. They can be placed around an entrance to the ocean, like a stream. They also can be placed around a habitat with many animals living there. These booms will absorb any oil that flows around it.
The workers can also use skimmers. Skimmers are boats that can remove the oil off the water. Sorbents are sponges that can collect the oil. An airplane can fly over the water dropping chemicals into the ocean. The chemicals can break down the oil into the ocean.
They also can burn freshly spilled oil with fireproof booms to contain the oil. They might not decide to burn the oil because this method causes air pollution.
There are just a few ways to clean the oil off the beaches. Workers can use high or low pressure hoses to spray the oil that is on the beaches. Vacuum trucks may be driven on the beaches to vacuum up the oil. They can also simply use shovels or road equipment to collect all the oil off the beaches.
The method they use to clean the beaches or oceans depends on many things. They have to look at the weather, the type and amount of oil spilled, if people live in that area, what types of animals live in that area, and many more things. In some situations, they may not react to a spill. It may not be helpful or it would just cause even more damage to that habitat.

Future Of BP
If BP wishes to have a successful future, they will have to make a dramatic change in their product, maybe a new natural resource. If they are the first company to push forward for this new technology, they could right their wrongs in the public eye, but it is the only way they can do it for certain. 


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